However, that is not all I am, I am so much more. I
am a person with needs and feelings. This website is
designed by me, a sibling, for you, a fellow sibling,
to offer help and to show you that you are so much more
than just a sibling; you are a unique individual that
cannot be classified or thrown aside. To show you and
all you love this and so much more.
I am constantly looking up to my brother for strength,
courage, and wisdom, and althought I am four years his
senior, I and many other people could learn so very much
form him. This is why I am proud and can honestly say
he is my hero.
Overwhelming emotions
of panic, fear, and sorrow gripped me on the pivotal night of March 6,
Earlier that day wa a relatively normal day
in my 5th grade life. I went to school during the day, and then later
that afternoon sold girl scout cookies with friends at the local
grocery store. The news that made that very day such
a turning point not only
in my life but for the ones I love, came later that night after my
brother was sound asleep. I was informed that my brother, who at
the time was six years old, had cancer. At that the time
I was barely aware
of what the disease really entailed let alone the inevitable effects
it would have on my brother and the rest of my family.

Endless months
of chemotherapy then came, radiation, surgery, and
then the unforgettable two back-to back stem cell transplants.
The treatments for this deadly disease
were rigourous and while all this was ultimately benenfical to my brother's
physical health, it wore down on his and my family's
emotional health. Although I pray
that nobody else be made to go through such terrible times, I would not trade
my life or my past with anybody else, for it is these events that have formed
the person I have become, and still have yet to be. Through these rough times
I have dicovered some amazing things about myself, met people that have changed
my life, and helped make a difference in the lives of others. One of the
self-discoveries that came from this ordeal was the discovery of my talent
and passion for singing when I wrote my first song,
during the time my brother was
in treatment. This song is titled “Not A Day Goes By” and was
written in my brother's honor.
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Not A Day Goes By
Lyrics and music by:
Lilah Sugarman
You are my best friend and your gonna get better.
I know you can you a strong
little boy.
Chorus-Not a day goes by til you are well again.
I close my eyes and you are better. I know this is
not true but I
wish it was because I love you.
You are the best
brother ever and I can't sleep at night knowing
your not better so I close my
eyes and say to myself.
Chorus-Not a day goes
by til you are well again. I close my eyes and
you are better. I know this
is not true but i wish it was because I love
And the rebel force is going to beat the
darkside and your leg is going to get all better.
happen every day so don't stop dreaming and
your faith.
Chorus-Not a day goes by til you are well again.
I close my eyes and you are better. I know this is
not true
but I wish it was because I
love you
Days go by now that you are well again four years
gone by and your still better. I know that this would
come true.
But I still have
to pray that
it stays that
way because I love you.