The Ewing's Sarcoma and
Pediatric Cancer
Support Group Resources Page
from The Cure Our Children Foundation
Honor of Alon Sugarman,
20 Years Old, Alive and Well
This site maintained by
Barry Sugarman, B.S.ENGR.
Father of Alon Sugarman, Diagnosed March 6,
with Ewing's Sarcoma of the Distal Femur.

Content Pages:
What To Do at the Time
of Initial Diagnosis
Report a Late Diagnosis
- This Contributes to our Research Programs
New Drugs and Treatments for Ewing's Sarcoma
*New* New
and Emerging Therapies Web Log (Blog)
A National Model Donated Sick Leave Plan
Sibling Support Home Page
The Use of Nutrition and Dietary Supplements
as Complimentary Care
in Children with Cancer
and Recreational Activities for Children with Physical
How to
Succeed as an Amputee and Amputee Resources Page
Mouthsores: Causes, Treatments, and Potential
New Treatments
your Home for the Chemotherapy Patient
Preparación del Hogar para el Paciente de la
Take My Hand Project--Direct Assistance
Take My Hand Project--Financial Assistance
and Scholarships Information Page
How to Help Cancer Families Directly with
their Social Needs During Treatment
on and Selecting your Doctor and Hospital
Stem Cell Transplants
Dealing with Nausea or Loss of Appetite
Special Education and Disability Resources
Coping with Shock, Stress, Anxiety, Grief, and
How to get Drugs that are not FDA
Approved Yet
*New* Join our Foundation Mailing list to Receive
News and Site Updates
Foundation Vision Statement
More Pictures of Alon and Family
Alon's Story
Online Donations to our Foundation
**This site and our
organization support the traditional medical approaches to
treatment of Ewing's Sarcoma because they are proven effective in
numerous long term clinical studies. Alternative and
Complimentary treatment information is provided only for use in
conjunction with traditional approaches.**
**This guide has been
written for educational purposes only, it cannot be used for
diagnosing or treating a health problem
or a disease. If you have or suspect that you or your child may
have a health problem, you should consult your doctor.**
World Wide Web Links:
View the most recent write up from the National Institute of
Health's National Cancer Institute:
- Ewing's
sarcoma/primitive neuroectodermal tumor (PNET)--For
Health Professionals, Phone: 800-422-6237 or
301-496-6792, TTY: 800-332-8615, Fax: 301-496-7063
- Ewing's
sarcoma/primitive neuroectodermal tumor (PNET)--For
Patients, Phone: 800-422-6237 or 301-496-6792, TTY:
800-332-8615, Fax: 301-496-7063
- Statistics--Cancer
Incidence and Survival among Children and Adolescents:
United States SEER Program 1975-1995, Phone:
301-402-1625, Fax: 301-496-9949
- Statistics--SEER
Cancer Statistics Review, 1973-1999: Childhood
Cancer, Phone: 301-402-1625, Fax: 301-496-9949
- Statistics--SEER
Cancer Statistics Review, 1973-1999: Childhood Cancer by
International Classification, Phone: 301-402-1625,
Fax: 301-496-9949
Conduct Your Own Journal Research for free:
National Institute of Health Clinical
Trials Listings: Important
Note--Please Check all categories especially the categories
double asterisked. The first two categories contain most of the
lung metastatic or recurrent Ewing's/Solid Tumor studies. When in
doubt, call the principal investigator listed.
More Public and Private Clinical Trials Sites:
Centerwatch Clinical Trials
Listing Service, Phone: 617-856-5900, Fax: 617-856-5901
- Clinical
Trials, Phone: 757-553-0670
- Clinical,
Phone: 800-664-5099
City of
Hope National Medical Center Clinical Trials, Phone 800-535-7119
Children's Hospital Los Angeles, Open Clinical Trials, Phone: 323-660-2450
- United Kingdom
CancerWeb Clinical Trials Listing Page, Phone:
- Telescan
Registry of Cancer Trials in Europe, Phone:
011-44-1223-311110, Fax: 011-44-1223-311844
Farber and Massachusetts General Hospital Clinical Trials Search Engine (Harvard
University), Phone: 866-408-3324
Lee Moffit Cancer & Research Center, Phone:
- Radiation
Therapy Oncology Group (RTOG), Phone: 800-227-5463, Extension 4189 or 215-574-3189, Fax:
- University
of California, San Diego, Phone: 858-657-7020, Fax:
Cancer Therapy and Research Center
(CTRC) of The University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio, Texas,
Formerly the San Antonio Cancer
Institute (Numerous exclusive studies), Phone:
210-450-5978, Fax: 210-616-5844
- Panzem Clinical Trials
from Entremed, Phone: 240-864-2600, Fax: 240-864-2601
- DorBiopharma's Ewing's Orphan
Drug Phase II Trial For Ewing's, Phone: 786-425-3848,
Fax: 786-425-3853
- M.D. Anderson Cancer
Center Clinical Trials Listing Page, Phone: 800-392-1611
Southwest Oncology Group Clinical Trials Listing Page, Phone: 210-450-8808,
Fax: 210-677-0006
University of
California, San Francisco Clinical Trials Listing Page,
Phone: 877-827-8222
Kimmel Cancer Center Clinical Trials Listing Page, Phone:
- National
Institute of Canada Clinical Trials, Phone: 613-533-6430
- Kansas City Clinical
Oncology Clinical Trials Listing Page, Phone:
816-276-7834, Fax: 816-926-2292
- Gene
Therapy Clinical Trial, Phone: 212-850-6645. Fax:
Norris Comprehensive Cancer Center, Phone: 800-USC CARE
- Garden State Cancer
Center, Phone: 973-844-7007, Fax: 973-844-7020 -- Unique Clinical
Trials using targeted radiation delivered by anti-tumor
monoclonal antibodies
Second Opinions:
Cancer Experts, Phone:
Partners Online Specialty
Consultations, Phone: 617-278-1000, Fax: 617-278-1049
Propath Second Opinion
Pathology Lab, Phone: 800-258-1253 or 214-638-2000
Medical Assessment and
Consultation, Pathology Second Opinions, Phone: 608, 798-1936, Fax:
LLC, Phone: 210-568-9062, Fax: 210-568-3703
- The Cure Our
Children Foundation Referral Service, Phone:
310-355-6046, Fax: 310-454-9592
Mailing Lists:
- American
Academy of Pediatrics, Section on Hematology/Oncology,
Phone:847-434-4000, Fax: 847-434-8000
- Oncolink, University
of Pennsylvania, Phone: 215-349-8895, Fax: 215-349-5445 *New*
Association for Cancer Research, Phone: 215-440-9300 or
866-423-3965, Fax: 215-440-9313
College of Radiation Oncology, Phone: 301-368-3733, Fax:
Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO), Phone: 703-299-0150,
Fax: 703-299-1044
Society of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology, Phone:
847-375-4716, Fax: 847-375-6316
Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology, Phone:
800-962-7876 or 703-502-1550, Fax: 703-502-7852
of Oncology Social Workers, Phone: 215-599-6093, Fax:
of Pediatric Oncology Nurses, Phone: 847-375-4724, Fax:
Bone -- Educational site run by
doctors, Phone: 617-965-6301
Care. org -- Excellent Information and Assistance
Resources, Phone 800-813-4673, Fax: 212-712-8495
Oncology Group (Formerly CCG and POG), Phone:
626-447-0064, Fax: 626-445-4334
Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), Phone:
33-0-4-72-73-84-85, Fax: 33-0-4-72-73-85-75
International Society of
Paediatric Oncology, Phone: 011-31-40-269-75 44, Fax: 011-31-40-269-75-45
Nursing Society, Phone: 412-859-6100 or 866-257-4667,
Fax: 412-859-6162
Physician Network, Phone: 215-728-3539, Fax: 215-728-4766
-, Phone:
617-632-5122, Fax: 617-632-3408, Run by Dr. George
Demetri at Harvard
United Kingdom
Children's Cancer Study Group, Phone: 44-0-116-249-4460,
Fax: 44-0-116-254-9504
Bone Marrow and Stem Cell Transplants
Information (BMT):
Associations and Support Organizations:
- Support Organizations:
- American Cancer
Society, Phone: 800-227-2345 or 404-320-3333, Fax:
404-325-0230--Umbrella cancer organization.
- American Institute for
Cancer Research, Phone: 800-843-8114 or 202-328-7744,
Fax: 202-328-7226--Diet and cancer.
Adult Bone Cancer Survivors --Stories of Survivors.
- Canadian Cancer
Society, Phone: 888-939-3333 or 416-961-7223, Fax:
416-961-4189 -- Canadian cancer
- Cancer Care, Inc.,
Phone: 800-813-4673 or 212-712-8400, Fax: 212-712-8495--Counseling, support
groups and info.
- Cancer Research
Institute, Phone: 800-992-2623 or 212-688-7515, Fax:
212-832-9376--Immunologic treatment.
- Candlelighters
Childhood Cancer Foundation, Phone: 800-366-2223 or
301-962-3520, Fax: 301-962-3521
- Candlelighters
Childhood Cancer Foundation of Canada, Phone:
800-363-1062 or 416-489-6440, Fax: 416-489-9812
- Chai Lifeline, Phone:
877-CHAI-LIFE or 212-465-1300, Fax: 212-465-0949--Supports Jewish
Families and parents with Catastrophically and
chronically ill children.
Fertile Hope, Phone:
888-994-HOPE --A nonprofit organization dedicated to helping cancer
patients faced with infertility.
Flashes of Hope, Phone:
440-442-9700--Dedicated to creating uplifting portraits of children
fighting cancer and other life threatening illnesses.
Locks of Love, Phone:
888-896-1588 or 561-963-1677, Fax: 561-963-9914--An organization
dedicated to assisting children with hair loss.
National Association
of Hospital Hospitality Houses, Inc., Phone: 800-542-9730
or 828-253-1188, Fax: 828-253-8082
National Cancer
Hotline--Talk with a Survivor, Phone: 1-800-433-0464 or
816-932-8453, Fax: 816-931-7486
Cancer Institute, Phone: 800-422-6237 or 301-496-6792,
TTY: 800-332-8615, Fax: 301-496-7063
Children's Cancer Society, Phone: 800-532-6459 or
314-241-1600, Fax: 314-241-1996
National Childhood
Cancer Foundation, Phone: 800-458-6223 or 626-447-1674,
Fax: 626-447-6359--Information for families of
children with cancer
Sarcoma Alliance and
Foundation, Phone: 415-381-7236, Fax: 381-7235 -- Nice Information
and Support Site for all Sarcomas
Special Love, Inc.,
Phone: 540-667-3774, Fax: 540-667-8144--offers programs to
help children with cancer experience normal things that
healthy children experience every day; laughing, running,
swimming, and friends.
- The
International Confederation of Childhood Cancer Parent Organizations, Phone:
011-31-30-242-2944., Fax: 011-31-30-242-2945
- The
National Alliance of Childhood Cancer Parent Organizations, Phone:
011-44-1785 603763
International Cancer
Alliance, Phone: 800-ICARE61 or 301-656-3461 --Provides a free
Cancer Therapy Review
- Transportation Organizations:
Air Care Alliance, Phone: 888-260-9707 or 918-745-0384,
Fax: 918-747-2747--Lists Numerous Organizations
that fly patients for free.
Air Charity Network, Phone 877-621-7177 or
800-549-9980 - Provides free flights for
adults and children in need.
Angel Network, Inc, Phone: 914-328-1313 or 866-328-1313,
Fax: 914-328-3938--Provides Free Airplane
flights for patients to receive cancer care.
Angel Bus -- Provides ground transportation for medically ill to get
treatments. They also have a
blog and a
Facebook. Phone: 1-800-768-0238, Fax 757-318-9107
Hope Air, Phone:
877-346-4673 or 416-222-6335, Fax: 416-222-6930 -- Provides free air
travel for ill Canadian children.
Patient Travel Center, Phone: 800-296-1217 or
757-318-9174, Fax: 800-550-1767--Makes Referrals to
charitable and special discounted patient medical air
transport services based on an evaluation of patient's
Phone: 847-910-3940, Fax: 847-384-0690 -- Free airline
travel for ill children and their families.
- Wish Granting Organizations:
A Wish with Wings,
Phone: 817-469-9474, Fax: 817-275-6005
B.A.S.E. Camp
Children's Cancer Foundation, Phone: 407-297-9648, Fax:
- Children's
Happiness Foundation, Phone: 800-424-3543 or
617-837-9609, Fax: 617-837-5229
Children's Hopes and
Dreams Wish Fulfillment Foundation, Phone: 973-361-7366,
Fax: 908-459-9399
Wish Foundation International, Phone: 800-323-WISH,
770-393-WISH, Fax: 770-393-0683
Children's Wish
Foundation of Canada, Phone: 1-800-700-4437,
905-426-5656, Fax: 905-426-4111
Dial-A-Dream United
Kingdom, Phone: 0208-530-5589, Fax: 0208-530-4717
- Dreams Come
True, Phone: 778-248-3496
Dreams Come True
Pennsylvania, Phone: 904-296-3030, Fax: 904-296-4244
Dream Foundation,
Phone: 310-444-3070 Fax: 310-444-3071 -- Grants Wishes for
children over 18
Fairy God Mother
Foundation, Phone: 312-573-0028, Fax: 312-573-0047 -- Grants Wishes for
children over 18
- Fulfill-A-Dream,
Phone: 501-785-4130
Give Kids the World,
Phone: 800-998-KIDS or 407-396-1114, Fax: 407-396-1207
Grant-A-Wish, The
Children's Promise Foundation, Phone: 800-933-5470,
410-744-1032, Fax: 410-744-1984
High Hopes Foundation
of New Hampshire, Inc., Phone: 800-639-6804 or
603-429-1010, Fax: 603-429-0037
Children's Wish Fund, Phone: 317-913-9474
- Kids, Inc.,
Phone: 703-455-KIDS
Kidd's Kids of Texas,
Phone: 866-541-5437, Fax: 972-869-9814
Kids Wish Network,
Phone: 888-918-9004 or 813-891-9374, Fax: 813-814-0612
LifeHorse at Grandview
Farm & Convenant Farm, Phone: 248-343-8432 - Horse farm for ill
children. Free riding lessons, trail rides and
horse-related field trips
Magic Moments, Phone:
205-939-9372, Fax: 205-939-6717
- Make-A-Wish
Foundation, Phone: 800-722-9474 or 602-279-9474, Fax:
602-279-0855--Grants wishes to children
with cancer.
Make-A-Wish Foundation
of India, Phone: 011-91-022-24461344, Fax: 011-91-022-24460577
- Marty Lyons
Foundation, Phone: 877-560-WISH or 516-745-8966
- Operation
Liftoff of Ohio, P.O. Box 1094, Gallipolis, OH 45631
- Rainbow
Wish Connection, Phone: 248-601-9474, Fax: 248-601-0086
- Rotary Wishing
Well, Phone: 206-462-4606, Fax: 206-454-4383
- Special Wish
Foundation, Phone: 800-486-9474, Fax: 614-575-1866
- Sunshine
Foundation, Phone: 800-767-1976 or 215-396-4770, Fax:
- Starlight Foundation,
Phone: 310-479-1212 or 800-315-2580, Fax: 310-479-1235
- Sunshine Foundation of
Canada, Phone: 800-461-7935 or 519-642-0990, Fax:
- Teddi Project, Camp
Good Days and Special Times, Phone: 800-785-2135
- The
Brass Ring Society, Phone: 800 666-WISH, Fax: 407
- The Children's
Dream Factory of Maine, Phone: 800-639-1492 or
- The Dream Factory,
Inc., Phone: 800-456-7556 or 502-637-8700, Fax:
- The Dream Factory of
Greater Kansas City, Inc., Phone: 913-905-2900
- The Lisa Madonia
Memorial Fund, Phone: 708-366-2057, Fax: 708-366-2065
- The Wishing Star
Foundation, Phone: 509-744-3411 Fax: 509-744-3414
- Wishing Well
Foundation, Phone: 888-ONE-WISH or 504-455-9355
- Wish Upon a Star,
Phone: 559-733-7753 or 800-821-6805, Fax: 559-733-0962
Research Sites:
of Cancer Online Resource Pediatric Oncology Page *
- The Ewing's Sarcoma
Page of the Children's Cancer Web
- Private
Service to help locate the best doctors for your needs
- Bone Cancer
Research--Indiana University
information and support-including treatment,
chemotherapy, radiotherapy, surgery, counseling,
resources--U.K. Site, Phone 011-44-20-7696-9003, Fax: 011-44-7696-9002
- U.K. CancerBACKUP
Primary Bone Cancer Information Center
-, Links,
and Information maintained by a Medical Doctor
- OncoLink: A University of
Pennsylvania Cancer Center Resource
Patient Advocate
Foundation -- Free advocates for you,
Phone: 800-532-5274, Fax 757-873-8999*
- The Association of
Cancer Online Resources, Inc.
- The Sarcoma Web Ring
- The
Childhood Cancer Web Ring
Spiritual Uplifts:
Camp Ronald McDonald
for Good Times, Phone: 800-625-7295 or 310-268-8488, Fax:
- Childhood
Cancer Awareness Site, Phone: 240-235-2236, Fax:
- Disabled Sports USA,
Phone: 724-265-2546, Fax: 724-265-5848
Cancer Network, Phone: 805-693-1017 --Funletter and
Activity Booklets
- Gilda's Club -- Social
and emotional support for cancer families, Phone
888-GILDA-4-U, Fax 917-305-0549
Gold Ribbon Pins for
Childhood Cancer, Phone: 800-238-1719, Fax: 801-944-0209
Hugs and Hope, Phone:
715-282-7271 -Social and emotional support
for children *New*
- Melinda's
Home Page
- Planet,
Phone/Fax: 512-481-9010 - Support site for young
adults with cancer. *New*
- Songs of Love Foundation,
Phone: 800-960-7664, Fax: 718-441-7372 --Creates
personalized songs for ill children.
- Squirrel Tales Site,
Phone: 406-452-0537 -- Also has excellent cancer
and leukemia resources.
- Starbright Foundation,
Phone: 310-479-1212 or 800-315-2580, Fax: 310-479-1235 -- Provides emotional
support for ill children.
- The Barretstown Gang Camp,
(Ireland) Phone: 011-353-0-45-864-115, Fax:
- Wigs For Kids, Phone:
440-333-4433, Fax: 440-333-0200
Alternative and Complimentary Therapies:
- National Cancer
Institute, Office of Cancer Complimentary Alternative
Medicine, Phone: 888-644-6226 or 301-435-7980, Fax:
301-480-0075 *New*
- Cancer
Control Society, Phone: 323-663-7801,
Fax: 323-663-7757 *New*
- People Against
Cancer, Phone 515-972-4444, Fax: 515-972-4415
- Rational Therapy--In-Vitro
Chemotherapy Culture Testing, Phone: 562-989-6455, Fax:
- Larry M. Weisenthal,
M.D., Ph.D. on Cell Culture Resistance Testing, Phone:
714-894-0011, Fax: 714-893-3658
- Ralph Moss Reports on
Alternative Therapies for Cancer and Cancer, Phone: 814-238-3369, Toll Free:
800-980-1234, Fax: 814-238-5865
- People
Against Cancer, Phone: 515-972-4444,
Fax: 515-972-4415 *New*
Control Society, Phone: 323-663-7801, Fax: 323-663-7757
Treatment Facilities--United States:
- National
Institute of Health Pediatric Hematology-Oncology
Treatment Center, Phone: 877-624-4878 or
301-496-4256 *New*
National Comprehensive Cancer
Network, Phone: 215-690-0300, Fax: 215-690-0280
- Children's Hospital
Los Angeles, Phone: 323-669-2121
- City of Hope National Medical
Center, Phone: 800-535-7119
- St. Jude Children's Research
Hospital -- Home Page, Phone: 901-495-3300
- Mayo Clinic & Foundation
for Medical Education and Research, Phone: 507-284-2511,
Fax: 507-284-0161
- Children's Hospital, Boston,
Phone: 617-355-6000
- Children's Hospital of
Philadelphia, Phone: 215-590-1000
Memorial Hospital Chicago, Phone: 773-880-4000
- Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer
Center, Phone: 800-525-2225
National Cancer Institute,
Phone: 877-624-4878 or 301-496-4256
- Seattle
Children's Hospital, Phone: 206-526-2000
- MD Anderson Cancer
Center-University of Texas, Phone: 800-392-1611
Orthopedic and Surgical Links:
*Surgical Limb Salvage
Alternatives to amputation
for Limb Preservation, Phone: 303-429-0688 or
from Wright Medical, Phone: 800-238-7117 or 901-867-9971, Fax: 901-867-9534
Growing Prosthesis PDF
Extendible Prosthesis without multiple surgeries. Grows
without the need for surgery.
* Stanmore
Implants Worldwide, Phone: 011-44-181-954-1402, Fax:
Procedures are done at The Royal Orthopaedic Hospital in
Birmingham, U.K., Contact: Simon Carter, Phone:
011-44-121-685-4150, Fax: 4146
- Custom Extendible Prosthesis. Growth occurs with very
minor surgery.
* University
of Vienna, Austria, Dr. Rainer Kotz, Phone:
011-43-1-40400-4080, Fax: 4088
- Custom Extendible Prosthesis. Growth occurs with very
minor surgery.
* Center
for Orthopedic Oncology and Musculoskeletal Research,
Phone: 202-877-3970
- Modular Extendible Prosthesis. Grows, but requires
major surgery.
* Children's
Hospital Seattle, Dr. Ernest "Chappie" Conrad,
Phone: 206-987-4043, Fax: 206 987-2694
- Cadaver Allograft.
* Vacularized
Fibula Graft, Mayo Clinic, Phone: 507-284-2511, Fax:
- Allograft from Patient's own Fibula.
* Stryker-Endoprosthetic
Devices, Phone: 201-507-7300
- Modular Extendible Prosthesis. Grows, but requires
major surgery.
* Cryosurgery,
Endocare, Phone: 949-450-5400, Fax: 949-450-5300
- Freezing of tissue to kill tumor.
* Rotationplasty,
Children's Hospital Los Angeles, Dr. Vern Tolo, Phone:
323-361-4658, Fax: 323-666-4409
- Partial Amputation and rotation.
* Isolated
Limb Perfusion, G. Douglas Letson, Moffitt Cancer Center,
Phone: 813-972-8412 x2985
- High dose chemotherapy isolated to a particular limb
only. An explanation article is here.
* Intraoperative
Microwave Heat Treatment, Orthopedic Department, General
Hospital of PLA, Beijing China,
011-86-10-68182255 -
Microwave Treatment of the bone while in the patient and
during surgery.
- International Musculoskeletal
Tumor Society, Phone: 615-343-4400, Fax: 615-343-1028
International Society of Limb Salvage, Phone: 011-55-1137473209, Fax:
- American Academy of
Orthopedic Surgeons, Phone: 800-346-2267 or 847-823-7186,
Fax: 847-823-8125
Pediatric Orthopedic
Society of North America, Phone: 847-698-1692, Fax: 847-823-05366
California Orthopedic
Association, Phone: 916-454-9884, Fax: 916-454-9882
- Texas Orthopedic
Hospital, Phone: 713-799-8600, Fax: 713-794-3580
Royal College of
Surgeons of England, Phone: 011-44-20-7405-3474
The Royal Orthopaedic
Hospital in Birmingham, U.K., Contact: Simon Carter,
Phone: 011-44-121-685-4150, Fax: 4146
Royal Orthopaedic
Hospital Main Web Site, Phone: 011-44-121-685-4000, Fax
Orthopedic Research
Society, Phone: 847-698-1625, FAX: 847- 823-4921
Internet Directory, Phone: 856-848-1000, Fax:
Wheeless' Textbook of
Orthopedics, Phone: 410-494-4994
Orthopedic Oncology Article
Cavitron Ultrasonic
Surgical Aspirator (CUSA) and Radio Frequency Ablation, Phone: 800-255-8522 or
303-530-2300, Fax: 303-530-6285
Medical Supplies:
Pharmaceutical Manufacturers and the drugs that they make
that are used in the Ewing's Sarcoma Protocol:
- General Pharmaceutical
Information Sites:
- RxHope -- Prescription Drugs
for those who need financial assistance, Phone: 732-507-7400, Fax:
- RxList, The Internet
Drug List
- Drug Facts and
Comparisons *New*
- Specific Pharmaceutical
- Amgen Inc,
Phone: 800-772-6436 or 805-447-1000, Fax: 866-292-6436 or 805-447-1010--Neupogen®
- Astra-Zeneca USA,
Phone: 302-886-3000, Fax: 302-886-2972--EMLA®
Cream (Lidocaine/Prolicaine)
Bristol-Meyers Squibb
Oncology/Immunology Division, Phone: 212-546-4000--Cytoxan®
(Cyclophosphamide), Mesnex®
(Mesna), VePesid® (Etoposide,
also called VP-16 or VP-16-213), Ifex®
- Eli Lilly & Co.,
Phone: 800-545-5979 or 317-276-2000--Oncovin®
(Vincristine Sulfate)
Glaxo Wellcome
Oncology/HIV, Phone: 888 825 5249 or 888 825 5249--Zofran®
- Merck & Co., Inc.,
Phone: 908-423-1000--Decadron®
- Pfizer,
Phone: 212-733-2323--Adriamycin®
Important Books:
Please use our link below to search Also,
we have listed individual title recommendations below the search
link. Our non-profit foundation will receive a commission on each
purchase initiated from these links.
- Medical
Reference Books * = Books Every Parent or
Caregiver Should Have
- *
Dosage Handbook: Incl Neonatal Dosing, Drug Admin, &
Extemporaneous Preparations, 2007 - by Carol K.
Taketomo, Donna M. Kraus, Jane Hurlburt Hodding, Lexi
Comp; ISBN: 1591952158--*New* What a great book!
Written by the pharmacists at Children's Hospital Los
Angeles. Has all the chemo drugs, correct dosages, side
effects, references, and much more.
- *
Medical Dictionary - by Thomas Lathrop Stedman,
Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins; ISBN:
0781733901--Another excellent medical dictionary
- *
Manual of Diagnostic and Laboratory Tests - by Kathleen Deska,
Ph.D. Pagana, Timothy James, Md. Pagana, Kathleen D.
Pagana, Mosby-Year Book; ISBN: 0323039030--Understand all
the blood tests and their normal values along with all
other diagnostic procedures.
- *
Radiation Oncology - by Edward C. Halperin
(Editor), Louis S. Constine, Nancy J. Tarbell --Written by Medical Doctors about the use of
radiation in all types of childhood oncology situations, ISBN:
- *
and Practice of Pediatric Oncology - by Philip A. Pizzo
(Editor), David G. Poplack (Editor), Lippincott Williams
& Wilkins Publishers; ISBN: 0781754925--This is a
highly technical medical text book, but it is the bible
of all pediatric oncology.
Physicians' Desk Reference, 2007 (Bookstore Version, Book
with CD-ROM) - by Medical Economics Staff
(Editor), Physicians--Contains all the prescribing
information for prescription drugs sold in the United
States, ISBN: 1563635690.
2007 PDR for Nonprescription Drugs, Dietary Supplements and Herbs: The
Definitive Guide to OTC Medications (Hardcover) - by Medical
Economics Staff, Medical Economics Company--Complete
prescribing information for non prescription drugs sold
in the United States, Medical Defence Union Ltd; ISBN:
Illustrated Medical Dictionary (Standard Version) - by W. A. Newman
Dorland (Editor), Douglas M. Anderson (Preface), W B Saunders Co; ISBN:
--An excellent medical dictionary
Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary - by Donald Venes
(Editor), Clayton L. Thomas (Editor), Clarence Wilbur
Taber, F A Davis Co; ISBN: 0803612079
- Gray's
Anatomy: The Classic Collector's Edition - by Henry Gray, T.
Pickering Pick (Editor), Robert Howden (Editor), Outlet;
ISBN: 0517223651--Complete diagrams, descriptions and
terms of the human body
Radiation Oncology - by Leonard L. Gunderson
(Editor), Joel E. Tepper (Editor), Churchill Livingstone;
ISBN: 0443068402
Radiation Oncology : Indications, Techniques, and Results - by C. C. Wang
(Editor), Wiley-Liss; ISBN: 0721600263
- Textbook
of Radiation Oncology - by Steven A. Leibel
(Editor), Theodore L. Phillips (Editor), W B Saunders Co;
ISBN: 0721653367
of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology by Philip Lanzkowsky,
Academic Pr; ISBN: 0120885247
- The
Chemotherapy Source Book by Michael C., Md. Perry
(Editor), Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Publishers;
ISBN: 0781723639
- Pediatric
Hematology/Oncology Secrets - by Michael A., Md. Weiner
(Editor), Mitchell S., Md. Cairo (Editor), Lippincott
Williams & Wilkins Publishers; ISBN: 1560534443
Guide to Intravenous Therapy - by Joanne C. Larocca,
Shirley E. Otto, Mosby-Year Book, Mosby-Year Book; ISBN:
Principles & Practice of Intravenous Therapy (Book
with CD-ROM for Windows or Macintosh) - by Sharon M.
Weinstein (Editor), Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
Publishers; ISBN: 0781759447
- Parent
and Patient Guide Books * = Books Every
Parent or Caregiver Should Have
- *
Cancer: A Handbook from St. Jude Children's Research
Hospital - by R. Grant Steen
(Editor), Joseph Jr., MD Mirro (Editor), Grant R., Phd
Steen (Contributor), Grant Steen Ph.D., Joseph Mirro
M.D., Scientists, St. Jude Clinicians, Perseus Pr; ISBN:
- *
Cancer: A Parent's Guide to Solid Tumor Cancers
- by Honna
Janes-Hodder, Nancy Keene, Honna Janes Hodder, O'Reilly
& Associates; ISBN: 0596500149
Care of Children with Cancer: Current Therapy and
Guidelines From the Children's Cancer Group - by Gregory H. Reaman
(Foreword), Arnold J. Altman (Editor); ISBN: 0801879094
Cancer Survivors: A Practical Guide to Your Future - by Nancy Keene,
Kathy Ruccione, Wendy L. Hobbie, Patient Centered Guides;
ISBN: 0596528515
- American
Cancer Society's Guide to Complementary and Alternative
Cancer Methods - by American Cancer Society,
Amer Cancer Society; ISBN: 0944235247
- Surviving
Childhood Cancer : A Guide for Families - by Margot Joan
Fromer, New Harbinger Pubns; ISBN: 1572241020
- Childhood
Leukemia : A Guide for Families, Friends & Caregivers
(Patient-Centered Guides) - by Nancy Keene, Linda Lamb
(Editor), Patient Centered Guides; ISBN: 1565926323
- Fighting
Chance : Journeys Through Childhood Cancer - by Harry Connolly,
Tom Clancy, Curt I. Civin, Woodholm House Pub; ISBN:
- Coping
With Radiation Therapy - by Daniel, Md. Cukier,
Virginia E. McCullough, Frank, Md. Gingerelli, McGraw
Hill - NTC; ISBN: 0737304154
- Walking
Taylor Home - by Brian Schrauger, W
Publishing Group; ISBN: 0849917034
- My
Story About Cancer - by Charles B. Wolford, Faye
Wolford (Contributor), Jeffrey A. Moscow, Seven Locks Pr;
ISBN: 0929765753
- Alternative
Medicine Definitive Guide to Cancer - by W. John Diamond,
W. Lee Cowden, Burton Goldberg, Alternativemedicine.Com
Books; ISBN: 1887299017--Please see our warnings above
about alternative medicine approaches.
- Long-term Effects of
Cancer Treatment, Authors: Margaret Zacharin,
Karin Tiedemann and Maree Sexton, Miranova Publishers
ABN: 59 671 939 796, ISBN: 095871424X
- Children
and Teenager Books
- The
C- Word: Teenagers and their Families Living with Cancer - by Elena V. Dorfman,
Elena Dorfman; ISBN: 0966553403
- Amanda's
- by Scott N. MacLellan, Health Awareness Communications,
Inc.; ISBN: 096652716X
- Let's
Talk About When Kids Have Cancer (The Let's Talk Library)
by Melanie Apel Gordon, Hazelden Information Education;
ISBN: 156838274X
- What
Is Cancer Anyway? Explaining Cancer to Children of All
- by Karen L. Carney, Dragonfly Pub; ISBN: 0966782046
- Kathy's
Hats : A Story of Hope - by Trudy Krisher, Nadine
Westcott (Illustrator), Abby Levine (Editor), Concept
Books; ISBN: 0807541168
- Little
Tree : A Story for Children With Serious Medical Problems - by Joyce C. Mills,
Michael Chesworth (Illustrator), Joyce C. Mill,
Magination; ISBN: 0945354517
- A
Day With Dr. Waddle - by Center for Basic Cancer
Research, KSU Center for Basic Cancer Research; ISBN:
- Our
Family Has Cancer, Too! - by Christine Clifford, Jack
Lindstrom (Illustrator), Pfeifer-Hamilton Pub; ISBN:
- Not
Now... I'm Having a No Hair Day : : Humor & Healing
for People With Cancer - by Christine Clifford, Jack
Lindstrom (Illustrator), Pfeifer-Hamilton Pub; ISBN:
- Paper
- by Claire Blake, Eliza Blanchard, Kathy Parkinson,
Elizabeth Murphy-Melas, Anthony Pouncy (Illustrator),
Health Pr; ISBN: 0929173287
- Conquering
Kids' Cancer : Triumphs and Tragedies of a Children's
Cancer Doctor - by Ken Lazarus, Kenneth H.
Lazarus, Emerald Ink Pub; ISBN: 1885373228
- Childhood
Leukemia : The Facts (The Facts Series) - by John S.
Lilleyman, Oxford University Press; ISBN: 019263142X
- Chemo
Crusader and the Cancer Fighting Crew - by Melodie Homer,
Pepco; ISBN: 0967139600
- Henry
and the White Wolf - by Tim Karu, Tyler Karu
(Illustrator), Workman Publishing Company; ISBN:
- What
About Me? : When Brothers and Sisters Get Sick - by Allan Peterkin,
Frances Middendorf (Illustrator), Magination; ISBN:
- When
Molly Was in the Hospital : A Book for Brothers and
Sisters of Hospitalized Children (Minimed Series : Volume
- by Debbie Duncan, Nina Ollikainen (Illustrator), Rayve
Productions; ISBN: 1877810444
- Franklin
Goes to the Hospital (Franklin) - by Sharon Jennings,
Brenda Clark (Illustrator), Paulette Bourgeois, bre
Clark, Scholastic Trade; ISBN: 0439083702
- Going
to the Hospital (Rogers, Fred. First Experiences.) - by Fred Rogers, Jim
Judkis (Photographer), Jim Judkins (Photographer), Paper
Star; ISBN: 0698115740
- Your
Child in the Hospital: A Practical Guide for Parents - by Nancy Keene,
Rachel Prentice, Linda Lamb (Editor), O'Reilly &
Associates; ISBN: 1565925734
- A
Visit to the Sesame Street Hospital : Featuring Jim
Henson's Sesame Street Muppets (Please Read to Me) - by Deborah Hautzig,
Dan Elliott, Joseph Mathieu (Illustrator), Joe Mathieu
(Illustrator), Random House (Merchandising); ISBN:
- Curious
George Goes to the Hospital - by Rey Margaret, Margret
Rey, H. A. Rey (Illustrator), Houghton Mifflin Co; ISBN:
- Going
to the Hospital (First Experiences) - by Anne Civardi,
Stephen Cartwright (Illustrator), Anne Cavardi, E D C
Publications; ISBN: 0746015119
- The
Hospital (Talk-about-Books No 15) - by Debbie Bailey,
Susan Huszar (Photographer), Firefly Books; ISBN:
- Miffy
in the Hospital (Miffy Series) - by Dick Bruna
(Illustrator), Patricia Crampton, Kodansha International;
ISBN: 1568362978
- My
Stupid Illness - by Katy Tartakoff, Childrens
Legacy; ISBN: 0962936545
- I
Want to Grow Hair, I Want to Grow Up, I Want to Go to
Boise (Children Surviving Cancer) - by Erma Bombeck,
Harper Mass Market Paperbacks; ISBN: 0061099058
Early Detection:
Home Care:
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This site last updated on December 30, 2011